Serial Tales - Joan Juliet Buck's Littleburg Tales

‘Serial Tales’ are set in Littleburg, the Hudson Valley hamlet that time forgot, until time remembered it. In Littleburg, the veil is so thin that the other world is in your face, and half the population are shamans. The psychic old guard must incorporate the post-Covid newbies , which leads to some powerful collective hallucinations, including, perhaps, the Second Coming. As a result , local hotel owner Vince and millionaire pop star renter Cobbler Martin think they have been given the mission to fight the darkness with light. Magical realism full of twists, laughs, and gut-punches told with a velvet voice, these stories owe a debt to Philip Pullman, MR James, Saki, John Wyndham, and ‘Lady Asquith’s Third Ghost Book’ These spoken serials began in September 2021 on Radio Free Rhinecliff with ‘The Companion Fog’ , an 8-chapter novella about a cloud you have custom-made to protect you from bad news. Season 1 of Littleburg is available at . Laurie Anderson’s disquieting theme music sets the tone. Graphic design by Betsy Sarles. Produced by Matty Rosenberg & Joan Juliet Buck @ Radio Free Rhinecliff © 2022 Joan Juliet Buck

Serial Tales - Joan Juliet Buck's Littleburg Tales

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